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Youth League

As the TCA’s focus is on youth development, our mission is to promote youth by conducting a youth league. The Academy will conduct league matches for ‘Under 12’, ‘Under 14’, and ‘Under 16’ age groups thus enabling the kids to maximize their exposure of playing competitive matches right through the year. As the TCA is the first academy conducting a youth cricket league on turf wickets, the league will comprise of teams from Texas as well as from other parts of USA. Watch out for this space for more information on the TCA youth league!!

Corporate league

The game of cricket is a stress buster especially for the corporate world and TCA’s aim is to organize a league for all cricket loving corporate employees in the DFW area to unwind, socialise and demonstrate their cricketing abilities to the Dallas cricket community. It is also a great time to network and create business partnerships while playing and also build friendship along the way. Watch out for this space for more information on the TCA corporate league!!